Corss Training To Boost Motivation & Get Better Results

Better Workouts and Have More Fun Training Will Boost Motivation and Enthusiasm To Keep Your Gains Coming

Tired of working out the same way over and over again each week.  Now that the better weather is coming out, it’s time to switch it up a bit. The right motivation can push you in the right direction for weight loss and gains.

Cross training is much more effective for muscle development, weight loss, cardio and physique.  If you want to look hot this summer, start changing the routine.

Many of us will hit the gym and go through the same routine, stair master, some weight machines, elliptical and then off home. 

It’s true it may take some planning, but get out the pen and paper and start creating a cross training program that is fun and will give different muscle a chance to work. 

Create a 3 or 4 day plan for your gym routine and add in a few new sports or outdoor activities to try. The key is to make it fun. Try hiking, or golf, or tennis – something that meets your fitness level and that you think will be an exciting new adventure.

After a few weeks of a new routine, not only will you feel better but you will have a new zest for life. We get stuck in the robot routine way to often, and it takes work to get out. 

I don’t know if it laziness or comfort levels or both, but we all get into that dreary pattern. When it comes to your health and working out, the pattern is not doing you any favors.  Try something new, try cross training for optimum health .