Training For A Triathlon – 7 Basic Tips

Training For A Triathlon Is No Easy Task – Here Is Where To Start 

When it comes to the ultimate fitness challenge, a triathlon is certainly right up there.  But just where do you begin in terms of starting a training routine?

With a good schedule and a little time almost anyone can train for a triathlon.  Below are some of the steps necessary to get you on your road to success.

1.Train in Each Triathlon Event:

While this may sound obvious, it is nevertheless the basis for any triathlon training.  Each week you will need to keep up on all of the three events. On day one you might ride the bike, while on day two you’ll run, and on day three swim.  Repeat this schedule for the next three days and then take off day seven.


You need to train in a way that makes sense with the actual race.  Most races give different proportions to the different events. For instance, swimming is usually about 10-20 percent of the total event, and cycling about 40-50 percent.  This leaves the running at about 20-30 percent. This being the case think about the distances and train accordingly.

3.Start Slow: 

Leaving yourself enough time to train is crucial as you don’t want to feel rushed and end up injuring yourself before race day.  Start with fifteen minute increments and go from there (though try thirty minutes on the bike).

4.Increase your Time: 

As you start to become fitter, increase your time incrementally.  Eventually you will be swimming and running for thirty minutes and cycling for an hour.  Continue to progress from there measuring your distances until you are ready for the race distance.

5.Double duty: 

You will want to start trying to combine two of your challenges.  So try doing the cycling portion and the run portion together every few weeks to see how you are progressing.

6.Swim Classes: 

While most people do okay with the running and cycling, swimming tends to be what really slows them down.  Consider therefore taking a master swim class or a swim class meant specifically for triathletes. 

7.Other Races: 

Before the big event try to run a few other races in order to get used to the feeling and as an addition to your training.  These can help prepare you both mentally and physically for the big day.